About Us
Our History
Nationally Incorporated in 1977, Kappa Delta Phi National Affiliated Sorority’s was founded in 1971 when the first chapter was chartered at Husson College in Bangor, Maine, with the assistance of Kappa Delta Phi Fraternity.
The purpose of the sorority was to allow the spirit and principles of the Fraternity to be generated among young women in the same college atmosphere. The two would share similar principles but operate separately as their own organizations.
In time, the Sorority flourished and other chapters followed, springing up at colleges and universities throughout the Northeast on over 20 campuses, from the northern tip of Maine to southern Pennsylvania.
The founding principles of this National Sorority are to develop the highest philanthropic ideals possible within each chapter and individual sister. Providing service to others is the cornerstone on which this Sorority was built. We continue to build on that through various service projects and activities for both the campus and surrounding communities.
ΚΔΦ National Affiliated Sorority provides a vehicle for the young collegiate to expand their knowledge of leadership, management skills, and finances by learning to run a successful chapter.
Each year, ΚΔΦ National Affiliated Sorority holds two national meetings consisting of our National Convention and Summer Leadership Retreat. These events are just two highlights of the academic year. At this time, Chapters and individual Sisters are recognized for outstanding achievements in the areas of philanthropic service, academics and leadership. Chapters return to their campuses with trophies, plaques, and certificates denoting their various achievements. Our convention is unique from other national sororities in that it is the only one that invites each and every sister, active or alumnae, to participate.
Upon graduating, an alumna may opt to run for a position on the National Executive Board, putting her in touch with a network of women which can be a valuable tool in today’s working world.